10 Fascinating Things You Didn’t Know About Barry Donadio’s First Book About TWA Flight 800

Here are 10 really Fascinating things you never knew about Barry Donadio’s First Book “TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account”. This may shock you. 1.He waited 17 years to publish it. Donadio spent his entire career in U.S. Government service in some way or another. Whether it was in the military or in the United States Secret Service, he had always served in positions that did not permit him to release a book about his experiences. On June 28th, 2013 Donadio made a career change when he went into the private sector. This move opened the door for him to publish his first book “TWA Flight 800 First Responder Account” in September 2013. 2. He had to have the book censored and approved by the U.S Government prior to being published. Because Donadio held one of the highest security clearances that you can obtain in the United States, he is obligated to submit anything he writes to the U.S. Government for potential censorship. This is due to the knowledge of a broad spectrum of ...