Barry Donadio Monoposon Club Founder Has A New Action Book Is In The Works For 2019

Celebrity Author Barry Donadio (photo by Matthew Abbott)

Barry Donadio is in the process of publishing his 2nd book in 2019. Keep your eyes on Donadio tries his hand at a fiction book this time around.
Barry Donadio gained fame when he published his book “TWA Flight 800 First Responder Witness Account” in September of 2013. Since then, he has been busy by entering politics and leading his private security and investigation firm. He has also sanctioned himself as an advocate for Miliatry Veterans and he is vocal with his support of the second amendment. He has recently focused on supporting the national pride of the United States of America and bringing all Americans together.
Donadio’s new book “That Day When Hell Froze Over” is a fiction that takes place over a thousand years ago in present day Afghanistan. It is a mystical story of warfare of that time with interesting characters. An elite force of Catholic Knights that are separate from the Knights Templar. They are ordered by the Pope to drive deep into enemy territory as far as modern day Iran. The Knights were the best trained and most disipline that the Vatican had. The Knights encounter many dangers along their expedition, the most dangerous group they encounter is a small group of female virgins from the region of Afghanistan. The Knights are forced to battle the dammed of Hell, including Satan himself. After some setbacks in battle against some of Satan’s demons, the Angel Gabriel appears and arms the Knights with modern weapons and the knowledge to use them. Satan becomes concern as his demons begin to fall in numbers.
Donadio plans to self publish his new book in the form of an ebook and paperback through is firm Public Security LLC. The book is expected to be released by the end of 2019, but it is likely that it will be released sooner. It will be able to be purchased on Amazon.
“That Day When Hell Froze Over”, has been assigned ISBN: 9781731512833
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