Barry Donadio Wins Election In Maryland

During Maryland’s primary election held on May 14th 2024, Barry Donadio was elected to the prestigious position of Alternate Delegate to the Republican National Convention. He obtained over 50,000 votes from Republicans in the 1st congressional district of Maryland. During Maryland’s primary vote held on May 14th 2024, voters in the 1st congressional district saw Barry Donadio on the ballot. Donadio had (Trump) next to his name on the ballot to let Republican voters decide who they want as the next Republican Presidential Candidate to be. Donadio has been endorsed by the Trump campaign to cast his vote at the RNC convention in Milwaukee June 2024. Out of over 700,000 persons residing in the congressional district only three official Trump Delegates and three official Trump Alternate Delegates. have been personally selected by the Trump Campaign. Now that he has been elected, Donadio and 5 other Delegates will travel to the Republican National Convention to cast their pledged vote for Donald Trump in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 15th thru July 18th 2024. Donadio was first elected to the Queen Anne’s County, Maryland Republican Central Committee in 2014. He successfully served his four year term staying true to conservative values. In 2017, Donadio was appointed at the Sergeant At Arms of the Maryland Republican Party by the Honorable Dirk Haire, Chair of the MDGOP. In 2023, Donadio was reappointed as the Sergeant At Arms of the MDGOP by the Honorable Nicole Beus Harris, Chair of the MDGOP. He presently serves the Maryland Republican Party in this capacity.


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